Sunday, June 17, 2007

Entry 1, June 16,17

Hey all, thought I'd create a blog about my travels over the next year and onwards so here we go.

June 16

Got on the plane at Auckland international airport heading for Fiji then LA. Not much to say about the flight to Fiji, it was a blip compared to the one to LA but I will say that the Fiji in the sunset is a beautiful thing. That's all I got to see of it and the only picture I have of Fiji is the plane I got out of there.

But then a good thing did happen while I was in the waiting lounge. Here I was thinking '4 hours stuck in this place, wonderful...' but in the line waiting to get my transit ticket to LA I met a pair of people, Kim also from NZ and Jeremy from New Orleans. We chatted away, took the piss out of eachother and played cards, the 4 hours didn't seem so long thanks to them.

Then I get on the plane and get a seat right at the front of my cabin. I get seated to a rather big Aussie guy and his daughter. Both are really nice and we chat away for a bit. Then the guy asks me if I could possibly find another seat seeing as the seats at the front of the cabin are a little narrower and it would make it easier for both of us if someone moved, being the odd one out it was natural for me to move. So I agree and find another seat. Then about an hour later as I'm chilling out near the back of the cabin this encredibly generous Aussie comes up to me and hands me a bit of spending money thanking me for moving. I am real appreciative of this of course cos I'm a poor travelling 20 year old. What a champ.

Eventually I fall asleep on this long bloody flight only to wake up to a familiar face, it seems Kim was actually seated in the same Cabin and seeing as theres an empty seat next to me I ask her to sit. God knows how much longer that flight would have been had I spent it alone. Anyways after a bit of Family Guy, more sleep and a little bit of chatter we get through to LAX.

We continue to be travelling buddies till we get through the Airport and go our seperate ways, her to a domestic flight (poor girl had to wait 10 hours for it) and me to a shuttle to get me to Santa Monica.

June 17

Haven't done an awful lot in Santa Monica but hadn't really planned to anyways, plenty of street performers keep you entertained while wandering around and the beach is something to behold on the 2 sunny days I've enjoyed here so far. It's quite funny recognising this place seeing as I haven't been here but I guess all those hours of playing Grand Theft Auto showed me something. Although I don't think I could get away with jacking a car...

So that's me for now, hopefully some more interesting shit can happen to me and I can describe it in a more interesting way, till then.


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